Kinda hard to see exactly what happened. Clearly the videographer is upset by what he saw. Did he report on what actually happened?

I can see the dude in a robe reach down with something in his hand and move toward the person on the ground. Are there more details?

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Did not watch the Cern ritual sacrifice video due to watching a film of George C Scott’s 45 years ago “Hardcore”, in the film , Scott playing a midwestern man looking for his daughter in Calif., he wanders into the world of prostitution & porn,, he learns about the different kinds of porn what stood out for me was the “snuff” porn i believe in the movie was a real ritual killing, the victim & killer’s faces were obscured of course & the “snuff” film wS in B&W whereas the Scott film was in color- Another film i will never forget, it took me a week to get past that film emotionally & mentally& i hadn’t thought about the film until now when i read Cern ritual killing- that movie certainly had a perfect name “Hardcore”

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Didn’t know the “Barbie “doll had a significant purpose- u have plenty of gems, Kirby!!

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