Jun 4·edited Jun 4Author

I seem to have collected a lot of information on Henry Jarecki. I uploaded a Patron's only podcast on some of the goodies I discovered during the last few years. Just now, however, via Twitter, one of my fav followers told me he was mentioned in LaRorouche's Dope Inc book -- which we've discussed on this platform. I am copying the info for you to read here:

“Moccatta Metal’s current chairman, Dr. Henry Jarecki, has been under investigation for years for illegal activities, although no indictment has yet been handed down. According to European intelligence sources, Jarecki’s dirty money operation helps fund the activities of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign secret intelligence service in New York City, including assassination teams.

Jarecki is no small fry; he is a frequent gold columnist for British financial publications such as Euromoney, and rated a lengthy profile in September 1978 issue to Fortune magazine. Nonetheless, he is eminently suited for the role of bag-man for Israeli intelligence hit squads. Jarecki began running drugs as a small-time pusher on the University of Michigan campus in 1950-1951. In 1952, he spent six months in jail for suspected espionage in East Berlin. According to published sources, approximately half of Jarecki’s present staff of 28 gold traders started out in the same Harvard Psychology Department that featured LSD-pushers Dr. Timothy Leary and “Baba Ram Dass” in the early 1960s.”

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Jun 4Liked by Kirby Sommers

The unique surname "Jarecki" immediately triggered an association with well-known documentary filmmaker Eugene Jarecki and indeed they are father and son. Two other siblings are filmmakers as well. (Just speculating, but one wonders whether they did any camera work for one, Jeffrey Epstein.) Dr. Henry Jarecki seems to be a latter-day version of Dr. Max "Doctor Feelgood" Jacobson whose patient roster included a Who's Who of the postwar New York culturati. Then there was Dr. Ralph Greenson out in L.A.; handler of Marilyn Monroe. Great find, Kirby.

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Darrell, you're going to love this (there's more), but this is taken straight from LaRouche's Dope Inc:

“Moccatta Metal’s current chairman, Dr. Henry Jarecki, has been under investigation for years for illegal activities, although no indictment has yet been handed down. According to European intelligence sources, Jarecki’s dirty money operation helps fund the activities of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign secret intelligence service in New York City, including assassination teams.

Jarecki is no small fry; he is a frequent gold columnist for British financial publications such as Euromoney, and rated a lengthy profile in September 1978 issue to Fortune magazine. Nonetheless, he is eminently suited for the role of bag-man for Israeli intelligence hit squads. Jarecki began running drugs as a small-time pusher on the University of Michigan campus in 1950-1951. In 1952, he spent six months in jail for suspected espionage in East Berlin. According to published sources, approximately half of Jarecki’s present staff of 28 gold traders started out in the same Harvard Psychology Department that featured LSD-pushers Dr. Timothy Leary and “Baba Ram Dass” in the early 1960s.”

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Jun 4Liked by Kirby Sommers

You right; I do like the tea you be spillin'. Jarecki is yet another example of the close connection between spook-world and movie-land that you've explored previously. He taught at Yale in psychiatry, whose faculty is almost as twisted as that at Harvard or Columbia. I eagerly await more spilled tea on the Jarecki bloodline.

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Something that strikes me about all of these characters you’ve been researching is that they have their hands and so much stuff. They are polymaths. Like darker, more obscure versions of Elon Musk.

Jarecki…Psychiatrist, producer, production company founder, commodity trader, human trafficking and fabulously successful at everything.

Milchan…actor, producer, director, multinational aerospace tycoon, (nuclear secrets) spy.

There must be a machine behind them. Is it all wrapped up in occult?

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Take a look at this from Dope, Inc: “Moccatta Metal’s current chairman, Dr. Henry Jarecki, has been under investigation for years for illegal activities, although no indictment has yet been handed down. According to European intelligence sources, Jarecki’s dirty money operation helps fund the activities of the Mossad, Israel’s foreign secret intelligence service in New York City, including assassination teams.

Jarecki is no small fry; he is a frequent gold columnist for British financial publications such as Euromoney, and rated a lengthy profile in September 1978 issue to Fortune magazine. Nonetheless, he is eminently suited for the role of bag-man for Israeli intelligence hit squads. Jarecki began running drugs as a small-time pusher on the University of Michigan campus in 1950-1951. In 1952, he spent six months in jail for suspected espionage in East Berlin. According to published sources, approximately half of Jarecki’s present staff of 28 gold traders started out in the same Harvard Psychology Department that featured LSD-pushers Dr. Timothy Leary and “Baba Ram Dass” in the early 1960s.”

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Jun 4Liked by Kirby Sommers

These characters seem to have a common occult lineage: Sabbatean Frankism.

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I have already speculated several times about the origin of Riklis in Turkey and the Sabbatarian sect in Istanbul

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Leo Zagami shows the receipts in his most recent book Confessions of an Illuminati Vol. 10.

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Jun 7Liked by Kirby Sommers

Same thoughts here too ! What the heck ?!

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Jun 4Liked by Kirby Sommers

Also read the courts want to over turn G.Maxwell conviction , unfortunately, i believe this will happen but not now- in about 7-8 years when the Epstein story is on the back burner , and we are having major headlines to distract us, she will be quietly let out of prison

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Jun 7Liked by Kirby Sommers

Yes I think so too

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“Epstein killed himself in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 at age 66 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.”

That gave me a chuckle.

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It's always annoying to see it written like that. I'll be uploading info on that specifically - since someone in the know (so to speak) had inside intel on this.

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Jun 4Liked by Kirby Sommers


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Jun 4Liked by Kirby Sommers

I have never heard of this Dr. Jarecki character , he looks like a old Jerry Lewis to me ( and he was a rat also)I am glad one of the survivors is going after the doctor because there had to be plenty of doctors involved, there had to be enormous amount of health issues that had to be dealt with- sexual infections, abortions,etc. Thank u kirby

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Jun 13Liked by Kirby Sommers

I do hope you're wrong about settling, but if you end up being right, all doubt will be removed from my mind that Edwards is indeed a *very* bad actor (no question re Pottinger, but I'm still not entirely sure about Boies, sometimes I wonder if he's trying to take it down from within, in a way), and I'm only left with wondering how witting he is

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David Boies is the ringmaster.

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Jun 14Liked by Kirby Sommers

Sigh....I just hope someday it all gets exposed and destroyed, whatever the truth may be

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Jun 12Liked by Kirby Sommers

It's got to the point where if I read "prominent psychiatrist" and they're 80+, I'm immediately going to MK.

And he's German....

Plus his son(s?!?) being documentarian(s), especially the subject matters (2 I know by son Andrew are Capturing the Friedmans re pedophilia and The Jinx re a mass murdering trust fund billionaire) is very intriguing to me.

I await further finds with anticipation!

All power to Jane Doe 11. I wonder, are there other suits borne out of the various lookback windows we haven't seen yet?

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Doe 11 was able to file this because it was within the time period that allowed her to do so. The more time goes by, however, the less we'll hear from other victims. The only civil lawsuit where the public was able to see depositions, etc was from Virginia Giuffre's first one. Her defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell BEFORE David Boies became involved with Brad Edwards. As soon as that happened, Boies SETTLED the case.

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Jun 4Liked by Kirby Sommers

Wow-he looks like a real creep!

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You've nailed it. Circle back to the comments where I've added additional information.

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